VA-M66 Marlfield
VA-N61 Poplar Spring Church
VA-NW10 Early Land Patent
VA-NW11 Thomas Calhoun Walker (1862-1953)
VA-NW12 Robert Russa Moton
VA-NW13 United Negro College Fund
VA-NW14 Rosewell
VA-NW1 Gloucester Courthouse
VA-NW22 Fairfield
VA-NW2 Ware Church
VA-NW3 To Gwynns Island
VA-NW4 Warner Hall
VA-NW5 Abington Church
VA-NW6 Dr. Walter Reeds Birthplace
VA-NW8 Rosewell and Werowocomoco
VA-NW9 Gloucester Point
VA-Q10A Cappahosic
VA-Z99 Gloucester County