Photo detail

Camera Maker Canon Camera Model Canon PowerShot G5
Aperture f/4 Color Space sRGB
Exposure Value 0 EV Exposure Time 1/250 sec
Flash No Flash Focal Length 12.6875 mm
Date/Time 2004:04:03 13:41:31 Orientation 1: Normal (0 deg)
Resolution Unit Inch X Resolution 180 dots per ResolutionUnit
Y Resolution 180 dots per ResolutionUnit Compression Jpeg Compression
Exposure Mode 0 Keywords historic marker Rosewell Carter's Creek marker attraction display education historical marker Historical Site information landmark Place of Interest sign Tourist Destination Travel Destination Virginia attractive destination educating historic markers historic site info signage tourist attraction VA appealing history no people text tourism travel South attract historic nobody word daytime displays historical markers landmarks markers signs appeal color image educate historical outdoor vertical day destinations historic sites tourist attractions US colour image outside day time USA day-time U.S. words color images daylight outdoors U.S.A. verticals colour images Jason O. Watson / natural light outsides United States United States of America Gloucester County sign with text
Caption ROSEWELL Three miles west, on Carter's Creek stand the ruins of Rosewell, a grand mansion with the finest brickwork in the English colonies. Begun in 1725 by Mann Page I, and home to the Page family for more than one hundred years, Rosewell stood three stories tall. It was crowned with a parapet and twin octagonal cupolas and has two flanking dependencies on the north front that formed a forecourt. Rosewell contained fine paneling and wood carving. In 1916, fire swept the mansion, leaving a magnificent shell that is a testament to 18th-century craftsmanship. Department of Historic Resources, 1997.