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Maneuvering to the North Anna River Civil War attraction display education historical marker Historical Site information landmark marker Place of Interest sign Tourist Destination Travel Destination Virginia attractive Battle of the North Anna River Caroline County destination educating Gouverneur K. Warren historic marker historic site info Robert E. Lee signage Spotsylvania Courthouse tourist attraction War Between the States VA American Civil War appealing history no people text tourism travel South 1861-1865 attract historic nobody word daytime displays historical markers landmarks markers signs appeal color image educate historical outdoor vertical Jason O. Watson / day destinations historic markers historic sites tourist attractions US colour image outside day time USA day-time U.S. words color images daylight outdoors U.S.A. verticals colour images natural light outsides United States United States of America sign with text |
Caption |
Unable to defeat Gen. Robert E. Lee's Confederates during the Spotsylvania Courthouse battles 8-19 May 1864. Union commander Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's forces maneuvering east and south, forcing Lee to abandon his entrenched position. The Confederates moved south along Telegraph Road (now U.S. Rte. 1) on 21 May. Union troops, marching along a parallel route, missed a golden opportunity to strike Lee's army. The Federals fell in behind the Confederates near this point and followed them to the North Anna River. On 22 May a portion of Union Maj. Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren's V Corps passed through here and camped nearby that night. During the Battle of the North Anna River 23-26 May. Confederate and Union forces fought to a stalemate.
Department of Historic Resources, 2002 |