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Y Resolution 248 dots per ResolutionUnit Keywords landmark historic marker Lowell Mason composer Savannah Georgia 1776 1792-1872 sacred music organist independent Presbyterian Church 1820-1827 Superintendent Sunday School 1815-1827 native New England Mason return Massachusetts 1827 active religious life civic adopted city secretary Savannah Missionary Society organizer travel United States of America United States America USA US GA Chatham County history historical historical marker famous highway popular place of interest tourist attraction tourist destination travel destination tour tourism tourist attraction destination sign American day daytime vertical education historical site outdoors outside road roadside roadsign nobody no people signs and symbols text information displayed letters historic attractions display instruction of sacred music inter-denominational Savannah Sabbath School music Bishop Reginald Heber's hymn From Greenland's Icy Mountains. hymn 1824 well known great hymn My Faith Looks Up to Thee Nearer My God to Thee Georgia Historical Commission
Caption Georgia, 1776 - Lowell Mason (1792-1872) - Lowell Mason, noted composer of sacred music, was organist of the independent Presbyterian Church (1820-1827) and Superintendent of its Sunday School (1815-1827). A native of New England, Mason moved to Savannah at the years until his return to Massachusetts in 1827. He was active in the civic and religious life of his adopted city. He served as secretary of the Savannah Missionary Society; was an organizer of a school for the instruction of sacred music, and the Superintendent of the inter-denominational Savannah Sabbath School. While Mason was the organist of the independent Presbyterian church, he set to music Bishop Reginald Heber's hymn. "From Greenland's Icy Mountains." In the church that then stood on this site the now famous hymn was sung in 1824 for the first time. Among later well known compositions by Mason was the music for the great hymns, "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" and "Nearer, My God to Thee." Georgia Historical Commission